Transference Focused Psychotherapy Introductory Workshop with Dr Eric Fertuck | 20 -22 June 2025
Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce, Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia & Online 9.00am - 5.00pm ACST (Australia/NZ/Asia/Pacific)
Join us in Adelaide for a three day comprehensive introductory workshop.
Dr Marko Biberdzic, PhD.
Dr Nicholas Day, PhD. Project Air University of Wollongong
Dr Eva Chin, BMBS FRANZCP Cert. Psychotherapy Psych.
Course description
The workshop offers didactic training for Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP). TFP is a manualized, evidenced-based treatment for severe personality disorders such as Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. TFP is a psychodynamic psychotherapy based on object relations model of personality pathology with an emphasis on the transference of significant internalized past relationships onto the therapist and other current relationships.
The content of the workshop includes an overview of the TFP model of personality disorder, the structured assessment of personality pathology, treatment frame and treatment goals in the in significant domains in life. The aim is to integrate the techniques with the TFP clinical principles and objectives, highlighting the therapist’s moment to moment decisions for therapeutic interventions. The workshop also covers the special applications of TFP with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
The workshop is open to clinicians and students who are new to TFP as well as those with previous TFP training seeking to further consolidate their understanding of TFP.
Participants who attend this workshop are eligible to count 21 hours of didactic training towards TFP certification by the International Society of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (ISTFP).
About Dr Fertuck
Dr Eric A. Fertuck, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program of the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center and a graduate of the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Dr. Fertuck is a psychopathology researcher who utilizes a social cognitive neuroscience approach to investigate the mechanisms of psychological disturbance and their treatment. He is a certified Teacher and Supervisor in Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), and has been practicing TFP for the last 25 years.
About Dr Biberdzic
Dr. Marko Biberdzic, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at Bishop’s University, Canada and the Clinic Director of Bishop’s psychology clinic. Both as a clinician and researcher, he specializes in the assessment and treatment of severe personality disorders in adolescents and adults. As a Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong in Australia, he established the first TFP group in New South Wales. He is a certified TFP therapist, teacher and supervisor.
Delegates from Australia / New Zealand / Hong Kong / Singapore / Japan / Korea
Psychiatrist/Psychologist | $1,190.00
Psychiatry Registrars/Psychology Registrars/mental health clinicians | $890.00
Medical students/ Psychology students | $690.00
Delegates from other Asia pacific countries
Psychiatrist/Psychologist | $795.00
Psychiatry Registrars/Psychology Registrars/mental health clinicians | $595.00
Medical students/ Psychology students | $465.00
Virtual Access
Virtual Access - Psychiatrist/Psychologist | $715.00
Virtual Access - Registrar | $535.00